
Bespoke software services for your Civil Engineering business

Enhance your business performance with personalised solutions. Tailored to your needs, in your industry.
Custom Software for Civil Engineering
With an extensive background in the Civil Engineering sector, we're unique in our understanding of your day-to-day challenges. Our tailor-made software solutions are engineered to let you focus on what matters most; your projects. Eliminating tedious tasks and giving you all the information you need, simply.

Data Management

Effectively manage your project data without drowning in spreadsheets. Our software can organise and centralise your data, making collaboration effortless and data-driven decisions a breeze. No more hunting for scattered information – everything you need can be just a click away.

No More Spreadsheet Buying

We understand that sourcing your materials is an intergral part of how your business operates, and this typically means having many spreadsheets to filter through to find the best price (and availability) for the materials you need. We can simplify this process, from finding the best price through to contacting the supplier about availability - No more faffing around, enabling you to manage your teams, not your suppliers.


We're well aware of your need for consistent updates on project progress. We understand that gathering and crafting reports can be a time-consuming and laborious task. Our solution centralises this entire process, offering you the precise report you require at a glance. No more hours lost in report preparation – we provide the insights you value most, allowing you to stay informed effortlessly and focus on what truly matters: your projects.

Real-Time Updates for Customers

Keep your clients in the loop with real-time project updates. Our software empowers you to provide instant progress reports, achieved milestones, and any potential hurdles. Enhance transparency and build trust by keeping your clients informed every step of the way.
At Atreon, we understand the straightforward nature of the construction industry. Software should support your goals, not get in the way of them! Our bespoke software solutions combine professionalism with practicality, making sure that your Civil Engineering projects go as smoothly as possible. Get in touch today to see how we can help you!
Fill in the form below and we'll get back in touch as soon as possible.
  • We will contact you within 1 business day to arrange our initial scoping call.
  • Our team will talk with you about your amibitions and come up with some options on technology, design architecture and milestones.
  • We will then present this back to you with timeframes and costs for you to review.